Jia Yi Gu

is an architectural designer and historian with research interests in the history and politics of architectural knowledge production, through the lens of media histories, display practices, material cultures, and feminist ethics of care. She is Assistant Professor of Architecture at Harvey Mudd College and co-director of research and designs studio Spinagu. (+)

Website Under Construction

Recent Activities 

Jia Yi Gu is a Los Angeles-based architectural researcher and designer with a special interest in critical and alternative practices in architecture. She is co-director of Spinagu and Assistant Professor in Architecture at Harvey Mudd College. Previously, she was director and curator at the MAK Center for Art and Architecture and Materials & Applications. She develops exhibitions, texts, public programs and experimental projects.

Recent Activities 

Website Under Construction

Subject Studies: Reorientations

A new public program series with the MAK Center. Subject Studies’ inaugural 2022 theme, Reorientations, directs perspectives and questions towards MAK Center’s own institutional habits, routines and practices. With the backdrop of the roof restoration of Schindler House, Reorientations seeks opportunities to reorient our own institution through perspectives of care, repair and transformation.

Co-curated with Rosario Talevi, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles, 2022.